
Rastrojo is a poetry revista dedicated to the generation of a re(in)surgent poetics for the defense of forests. Rastrojo emerged in response to the ecocidal destruction and ongoing colonization of forests and their diverse life-worlds. It is committed to cultivating poetic resistance to forest destruction and germinating collective resurgence together with forests and their diverse life-worlds that open the possibilities for decolonized forest futures. 

Rastrojo is forest regrowth following disturbance

It indicates the force of the life of the forest (and the relations that come together) to regrow forest futures. 

Rastrojo is an annual online and print publication committed to curating and publishing poetry and experimental poetics for the defense of forests. We invite poetry and poetic experiments that emerge in response to and intervene in forest destruction. We are interested in work oriented towards the cultivation of a reparative relationality together with forests and that opens the possibilities for resurgent forest futures. This includes poetic experiments and collaborations with forests themselves.

The call for our inaugural issue is now open. For information click here

re(in)surgent poetics for the defense of forests

Forests form living entanglements of diverse life-worlds decomposing each other and the forest itself through relations and language of death folding into life. Forests are living relations, living languages. In the forest, language is relation; death nourishing life, germination, decomposition is language. The ongoing colonization and destruction of forests disrupt these life-generating relations and language, taking claims on forest futures. To reclaim those futures, is to reclaim the relations that compose them, the languages that compose relations, those contributing to life’s ongoingness. A re(in)surgent poetics intervenes in forest destruction through the cultivation of a reparative relationality and language of convivir, or living together with forests and their diverse life-worlds, contributing to the conditions for forest futurities. Through this reparative and resurgent orientation, re(in)surgent poetics conjures the force of the life of the forest to resist ongoing colonization and destruction and regrow forest futures.